My company has built an ecommerce website for runners/cyclists/people who want to buy energy gels - This blog post outlines why as well as some of the technical implementation considerations/details.
The idea
I have always been intrigued by the idea of building and
I knew whilst training for the Boston Marathon that I also had an entry into the London Marathon.
Boston (being Boston) was my goal race.
That said, (me being me) I knew that if I hit my goal (sub 3) in Boston then I would almost certainly run London too.
On 16th April 2018 I ran the 122nd Boston Marathon in 2:58:18. Not a personal best but definitely, secretly, really a personal best given the race conditions/my condition.
I did Hal Higdon's Advanced 2 plan (again). I had used this for my first marathon
For my part, there are a few simple lessons here:
* Plan further in advance.
* Plan for the unexpected.
* Acknowledge that big companies are often incompetent.
I am currently in Victoria, BC. I intended to head back to Vancouver, BC today prior to going home in early April. I had reached
I stumbled upon an extremely interesting post by Kevin Love who is (apparently) a professional NBA Basketball player. It is a fantastic post about mental health issues, the title of which neatly sums it up: "Everyone Is Going Through Something".
I read this post and it set my
tl;dr Whilst writing this I changed my mind. You should read it.
I wrote a review post about my 2017 and one about running a half marathon in Vancouver, Canada. I don’t think I wrote a more general one about Vancouver.
I am on the train now from
On 11th February 2018 I ran the Pacific Road Runner’s First Half in Vancouver, Canada. I ran a 1:25:23 - a Personal Best.
Since being in Vancouver I have been running with a club at Forerunners on 4th Street. Having run with them a few times I