old drafts

5 Posts

Weird psychological biases

Today I visited the barber with no ideas or expectations as to the cost of a haircut in Vancouver. Earlier in the day I had walked past a barber will a board outside stating that a normal cut was $23. Noting that the barber I had an appointment with was
Be difficult

Be difficult

I generally consider myself to be a pretty nice dude. I generally keep myself to myself, but if I like you, I am a great friend to have. If life were a sticker collection, I would definitely be shiny. That said, I tend not to go out of my way

Android Location APIs

The problem with working with user locations on the Android platform is complexity. Android's location APIs are extremely complicated, and ever changing. I was recently alerted to an issue with some of the location functionality within the Pub Reviews Android App. Having had a quick look in the developer documentation

Hard work

Having worked in Cayman for two months it seemed reasonable to post an update. Working with a team is an awesome - the guys I work with are extremely good at what they do and I have learnt a lot. I have enjoyed dropping my near sighted attitude towards my

Grand Cayman

I was invited out to Grand Cayman for the last month by a company working in the domain name industry. I had a look around the island, met the team, and enjoyed the lifestyle. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been offered a place on their team, and as
End of post list
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