Cleaning up my bookmarks

Cleaning up my bookmarks

I decided to take the time to clean up my bookmarks on the basis that my bookmark list had become unreasonably large, and I no longer really knew what was on it. I'm unsure what the logic was when I bookmarked a lot of this stuff. The thought

Random stuff I found on my HD

* Tutorials for building flash games * Zip files split into hundreds of parts that are then combined * Random photos * A database of British postcodes and their lat/lng (from 2010) I also found lots of images and screenshots that reminded me of some great memories. A five year time capsule of
Stylesheet setup - SCSS

Stylesheet setup - SCSS

I was looking at my todo list and one of the outstanding items under the heading Longer Term was "Make custom css .scss". I have absolutely no idea what that means. I almost certainly wrote it months ago, and at the time it probably made loads of sense.
End of post list
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