
8 Posts
Ask Hacker News - Insights for life.

Ask Hacker News - Insights for life.

I received an interesting link in my inbox this morning to a HN post entitled 'What was the best decision you made in your career?' It contained so many pearls of wisdom that I had to write a blog post. In the time in took me to write
Position of weakness

Position of weakness

I stumbled upon an extremely interesting post by Kevin Love who is (apparently) a professional NBA Basketball player. It is a fantastic post about mental health issues, the title of which neatly sums it up: "Everyone Is Going Through Something". I read this post and it set my
What have we done?!

What have we done?!

Last week I went to the Trafford Centre. I was wanting to get a pair of good quality jeans. My jeans always fall apart so I figured that investing in a 'quality' brand was probably a worthwhile investment. Nudie Jeans had been reccomended to me, and so I

Taking 365 risks.

Over the Christmas break a few distressing, drawn out conversations, and two pretty intriguing books got me thinking. This may seem suprising coming from me, but its about time I grew up a little. I cannot remember the first decade of my life, the second decade was (questionably) enjoyable, and
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