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17 Posts
Backing up an email inbox

Backing up an email inbox

Recently I had to cancel an Internet connection for a family member. The ISP informed me that once cancelled we would understandably no longer be able to access email or cloud services associated with the account. I wanted to back up the email account on the off chance there was

Work less. Work better.

It is understandable that one might view any post advocating working less as an attempted justification for laziness. Within 'software' however I personally feel that it is imperative that one takes a step back and looks at their time investments more pragmatically. This is a viewpoint shared by

My take on Model View Controller (MVC)

Model View Controller (MVC) is a very well known design pattern. It is utilised within application development across multiple platforms. The issue that I have always had with it is not clearly defined - the pattern lacks clarity. What I mean by this is that because people define each piece
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