Background tasks on Ubuntu

Across the Double Negative product line there are a number of vitally important 'behind the scenes' processes which allow our applications to function smoothly. For example: * This blog is powered by the Ghost blogging platform. Ghost is a node application and as such behind the scenes it is

Implementing the Paypal PHP SDK

I was recently asked to implement a subscription offering for a client on their web application. I was initially apprehensive based on the naive assumption that taking payments had to be complicated. Given that the client offers a single product at a single price and that the subscription is '
The best ice cream in Cornwall

The best ice cream in Cornwall

At the beginning of August I headed down to Constantine Bay in Cornwall with a selection of family members (I didn't select them). I had been invited along such that I could take a break from my work (which had begun to take possession of my soul). Given
Race Report: Wetherby 10k

Race Report: Wetherby 10k

On Sunday 4th September I ran the Wetherby 10k. This was my second 10k, following on from the York 10k that I had run the month previously. I finished in 37:31 (official time) coming in 19th place out of 694 participants. More information about the race can be found

Work less. Work better.

It is understandable that one might view any post advocating working less as an attempted justification for laziness. Within 'software' however I personally feel that it is imperative that one takes a step back and looks at their time investments more pragmatically. This is a viewpoint shared by
Race Report: York 10k

Race Report: York 10k

On Sunday 7th August I ran the York 10k - My first ever 10k. I finished in 37:47 (official time) coming in 50th place out of 5,000+ participants. Awesome ! More information about the race can be found here. Training 25 hours before the race started I was sat
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