Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory

Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory

I was just reading through a diary I wrote about a decade ago when I went travelling. Whilst I remember one or two explicit events, the majority of the content was seemingly completely new to me. For example. I lost my wallet after a drunken night out in Hong Kong.
Backing up an email inbox

Backing up an email inbox

Recently I had to cancel an Internet connection for a family member. The ISP informed me that once cancelled we would understandably no longer be able to access email or cloud services associated with the account. I wanted to back up the email account on the off chance there was
Namecheap FINALLY have secure 2FA

Namecheap FINALLY have secure 2FA

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with Namecheap. I have used them for years and years because they offer the best interface for traditional domain name management. They are not perfect, and there are a number of issues with their tooling but sadly no-one else does any
Ghost is awesome

Ghost is awesome

I recently played with Medium, and ended up back using Ghost. I figured I would upgrade Ghost to the latest version, and boy was I surprised. I wrote a post at the end of 2016 about automatically updating your Ghost install. A lot has seemingly happened in a year. I
Should you publish on Medium? No.

Should you publish on Medium? No.

I am no Search Engine Optimization (SEO) guru, but I am aware of the basics, namely: * That duplicate content is bad * That spamming or paying for links is bad * That using keywords, and having appropriate title/descriptions is good etc etc. Having written, and run blog on many platforms over
Command line cheat sheet

Command line cheat sheet

Whilst extremely simple stuff, I often find myself (at the end of a 12 hour day) with brain fuzz trying to remember the most simple of commands. Given how regularly I utilise these commands I figured that I would document them in one place for easy reference. Hopefully this reference
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) Integration

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) Integration

Today (Monday 8th May), I am able to announce some new functionality for - Accounts, and Ethereum Name Service (ENS) Integration. Double Negative has always been a company created to build high utility web applications on top end domain names. Having been personally invested in the Ethereum platform
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