@lifeatmoneypenny - why are you spending time and money sending unsolicited letters to business owners? At least it’s #recyclable

@lifeatmoneypenny - why are you spending time and money sending unsolicited letters to business owners? At least it’s #recyclable

@lifeatmoneypenny - why are you spending time and money sending unsolicited letters to business owners? At least it’s #recyclable. Never understand this approach - seems like a good idea and something I’d use/pay for but I never work with companies who have to resort to this shit to get customers. #
@lifeatmoneypenny - why are you spending time and money sending unsolicited letters to business owners? At least it’s #recyclable

@lifeatmoneypenny - why are you spending time and money sending unsolicited letters to business owners? At least it’s #recyclable

@lifeatmoneypenny - why are you spending time and money sending unsolicited letters to business owners? At least it’s #recyclable. Never understand this approach - seems like a good idea and something I’d use/pay for but I never work with companies who have to resort to this shit to get customers. #
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