Thomas Clowes

Thomas Clowes

From Manchester, England 481 Posts
I am a 32 year old software engineer from the United Kingdom. During the day I build multi platform applications. In my spare time I eat food, run marathons, and climb hills.

PHPUnit, DBUnit and their quirks

I utilize PHPUnit for my backend testing and have noticed a number of things whilst using it. I have outlined these below - hopefully they will help someone. DBUnit, composite datasets and foreign keys There is a bug in the PHPUnit source code which means that composite datasets are truncated

Consider Sphinx for your search needs

Intro For most entities building a website, search is not really a consideration. Consideration in the sense that for your search functionality you intend to simply query your database backend for the results you need.. like everyone does.. right? Certainly for most use cases, the power of modern database backends

SEO, reactJS, v8js, and PHP

reactJS from the guys at Facebook is a really nice javascript UI framework. It powers the Facebook UI which in my opinion looks good, is responsive, and is easy to use. One thing that concerns me with javascript is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - it is great to have a

Ghost - remember to stop forever

Installing Ghost on an Ubuntu server is a relatively simple and painless process. I have done it many times before and us such I was somewhat bemused as to why I was getting a 500 error when accessing my domain. SQLITE_CANTOPEN unable to open database file I did some

Hard work

Having worked in Cayman for two months it seemed reasonable to post an update. Working with a team is an awesome - the guys I work with are extremely good at what they do and I have learnt a lot. I have enjoyed dropping my near sighted attitude towards my

Grand Cayman

I was invited out to Grand Cayman for the last month by a company working in the domain name industry. I had a look around the island, met the team, and enjoyed the lifestyle. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been offered a place on their team, and as
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