Thomas Clowes

Thomas Clowes

From Manchester, England 481 Posts
I am a 32 year old software engineer from the United Kingdom. During the day I build multi platform applications. In my spare time I eat food, run marathons, and climb hills.

LeedsTechHub - Much Sky, very pizza

These are my (personal) thoughts on 'Building Mobile Apps For A Global Audience In An Agile Way' - a meetup organized by Sky as part of their LeedsTechHub concept. I found the event to be generally fantastic. Being based in Leeds it is certainly great to see tech

Always re-register for APNS

This post forms part of my tidbits series, a series of short posts outlining things that I have discovered whilst building various Double Negative products. These posts seek to: * Remind me of technical intricacies (when I inevitably forget) * Hopefully help others build top quality products Re-register for APNS When building

Character encoding 101

As a software engineer, it is to all extents and purposes a requirement that one has at least a basic understanding of (and appreciation for) character encoding. On that basis, before we go any further I must implore you to read Joel Spolsky's article on Unicode. I have

Transpilers, parsers, and shims

My current build process for utilizes Grunt. On occasion I have seen 'Esprima' outputted within my build logs. I have always been happy to allow the internals of the tools which I utilize for build and release cycles to keep their internals relatively hidden. That was

My take on Model View Controller (MVC)

Model View Controller (MVC) is a very well known design pattern. It is utilised within application development across multiple platforms. The issue that I have always had with it is not clearly defined - the pattern lacks clarity. What I mean by this is that because people define each piece

iOS - When to layout your views

Ten months ago I wrote an article about the lifecycle of the UIViewController. My context for writing that post was various issues that I had encountered whilst developing a product based around tabbed content. More recently I have been working on a project where I have encountered issues associated with

FastCGI in 5 minutes

FastCGI "is a binary protocol for interfacing interactive programs with a web server" (from Wikipedia). In the same vain as my nginx in 15 minutes post, I thought i'd outline FastCGI, and its implementation on nginx with PHPFPM. A FastCGI server is independent of your web

The curiosities of Facebook's developer offering

In the process of building multiplatform applications which integrate with social platforms I have been required to investigate Facebook's developer tools and processes. Unfortunately the process has been somewhat painful. I thought I would document the curiosities I encountered such that anyone else encountering them can resolve them

nginx in 15 minutes

I am currently tying up various loose ends on a full stack project that we have invested a lot of our development time into over the past six months. As a general knowledge exercise, and to make sure our server setup is optimized I have spent the past few hours
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