Thomas Clowes

Thomas Clowes

From Manchester, England 481 Posts
I am a 32 year old software engineer from the United Kingdom. During the day I build multi platform applications. In my spare time I eat food, run marathons, and climb hills.

Writing a good API, and being a good client

When rebuilding the search functionality of a product that I am working on I managed to quite effortlessly completely break the mobile applications client integrations with the API. The main issue was that I was entering some unchartered territory, and trying to do some pretty complex things. I was in

PHP Regular Expressions 101

Regular expressions are one of those things that I never really took the time to learn. Rather, whenever a situation arose I would discern and 'learn' the specific thing that I needed to resolve my problem. Having built Whois Browser as well as many other internal tools which

References in Java. Considerations in Android.

References are handled differently across different programming languages. Given that I work with a number of different languages it is important that I have a clear understanding of how they work. References in Java have caused me a few issues - issues that are mainly a result of their utilisation

Android foolishness - things not to do

In the process of building an Android application I encountered a number of small and foolish issues which I thought that I would outline such that you don't make the same mistakes. I probably shouldn't be admitting to making these kinds of mistakes, but.. well.. I

Android Location APIs

The problem with working with user locations on the Android platform is complexity. Android's location APIs are extremely complicated, and ever changing. I was recently alerted to an issue with some of the location functionality within the Pub Reviews Android App. Having had a quick look in the

Making an overlay screen in Android

Yesterday I encountered a problem when building the latest version of an Android app on which I am working. That problem was that when uploading a new photo to the site, subject to the user pressing 'Continue' before the upload is complete, I wanted to show the new

iOS push notifications - the succinct explanation

iOS push notifications are (in my personal opinion) suprisingly difficult to implement properly and debug. This is especially suprising given that Apple have provided such in depth documentation, and given that there are such an abundance of tutorials on the topic. The problem is that no single resource has a
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