Thomas Clowes

Thomas Clowes

From Manchester, England 481 Posts
I am a 32 year old software engineer from the United Kingdom. During the day I build multi platform applications. In my spare time I eat food, run marathons, and climb hills.

Weird psychological biases

Today I visited the barber with no ideas or expectations as to the cost of a haircut in Vancouver. Earlier in the day I had walked past a barber will a board outside stating that a normal cut was $23. Noting that the barber I had an appointment with was
2017. Year in review.

2017. Year in review.

At some non-specific point in the past few years I acknowledged that my greatest enjoyments and biggest successes come from trusting my gut. I spent a lot of 2017 thinking about things and reading about things. Introspecting. Not in a meditation/mindfulness kind of way but rather in a '
PSA: Speculation is toxic

PSA: Speculation is toxic

I have been fairly vocal on my personal Twitter account about how speculation in cryptocurrency markets is getting out of hand. I wrote a post in August entitled Why/How I built The short version is that in 2015 I stumbled upon Ethereum. It sounded technologically promising and
New York Marathon 2017 - Trip report

New York Marathon 2017 - Trip report

I was having a look through my photos of this trip and decided that I would upload the best photos and then write around them. Here goes. I wrote a separate race report. When I arrived in NYC the queue at immigration was awful (stupid terrorists). I was desperate for
What have we done?!

What have we done?!

Last week I went to the Trafford Centre. I was wanting to get a pair of good quality jeans. My jeans always fall apart so I figured that investing in a 'quality' brand was probably a worthwhile investment. Nudie Jeans had been reccomended to me, and so I
Playing with Microsoft Excel

Playing with Microsoft Excel

Five or so years ago I exclusively used my custom built Windows PC. It was great. It was also yellow. Then I used a Macbook. Things changed. Since then, whilst I do regularly use Windows PCs for boring day to day stuff (Internet browsing, playing games etc), I spend the
Phishing emails - Netflix

Phishing emails - Netflix

Every so often my father will forward me an email with a message like "Is this for you". He broadly assumes that any email relating to something he does not understand must be for me. I have explained to him that I have my own email. I generally
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