Thomas Clowes

Thomas Clowes

From Manchester, England 481 Posts
I am a 32 year old software engineer from the United Kingdom. During the day I build multi platform applications. In my spare time I eat food, run marathons, and climb hills.
My proudest achievement of 2019 is my ability to have this @naturespathorganic cereal in my flat and not eat it all in one sitting

My proudest achievement of 2019 is my ability to have this @naturespathorganic cereal in my flat and not eat it all in one sitting

My proudest achievement of 2019 is my ability to have this @naturespathorganic cereal in my flat and not eat it all in one sitting. I have a box of #maplesunrise too. #madness #bestcerealsinthegame #cereal #trainbrave @train_brave #bed #bingeeatingdisoder #running #tomrades #nutrition
Setting up a new server. Ubuntu 18.04

Setting up a new server. Ubuntu 18.04

I hate moving products from server to server. Over the years I have documenting how to setup certain packages and tools on a case by case basis but I have never documented how I setup a completely new server. I decided to move all my companies products over to EC2
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