Functional testing with Phantom Mochachino

I previously wrote about the internals of Mocha. The reason that I was intrigued by the inner workings of Mocha was because I was in the process of building a functional testing tool - Phantom Mochachino.

Phantom Mochachino is an extension of Mocha which works with the PhantomJS headless web browser to offer an end to end functional testing utility. A detailled explanation of how you can get started using Phantom Mochachino is found at the link above.

I am a big fan of PHP, and the site that I built Phantom Mocachino for is written in PHP. As such I wrote a PHP script to run my functional tests with.

I am sharing my implementation to demonstrate how you can use Phantom Mochachino to make functional testing fun.


$testRunner = "FunctionalTestRunner.js";

$testFiles = array(
	'RegisterTest.js' => array(
		'paths' => array(
		'useCookies' => true,
		'argumentsVar' => 'loginArguments'
	'LoginTest.js' => array(
		'paths' => array(
		'useCookies' => true,
		'argumentsVar' => 'loginArguments'
	'DoActionsTest.js' => array(
		'paths' => array(
		'useCookies' => true

while (true) {

	$loginArguments = array(
		'username' => substr(md5(rand()), 0, 7), //random username
		'password' => 'password'

	foreach ($testFiles as $testFile => $dataArray) {

		echo "\n";
		echo ">> PHP TEST RUNNER - NEW FILE \n";
		echo ">> RUNNING " . $testFile . "\n" ;
		echo "\n";

		$testPaths = $dataArray['paths'];

		foreach ($testPaths as $path) {

			echo "\n";
			echo ">> Against " . $path . "\n";
			echo "\n";

			$commandParts = array();
			$commandParts[] = "phantomjs";

			if ($dataArray["useCookies"]) {
				$commandParts[] = "--cookies-file=cookies.txt";

			$commandParts[] = $testRunner;

			$commandParts[] = $testFile;
			$commandParts[] = $path;

			if (isset($dataArray['argumentsVar'])) {
				$arguments = ${$dataArray['argumentsVar']};

				if (count($arguments) > 0) {
					foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
						$commandParts[] = $argument;

			$command = join(" ", $commandParts);

			passthru($command, $response);


	echo "\n";
	echo ">> Sleeping for 10 seconds";
	echo "\n";
