Cleaning up my bookmarks

I decided to take the time to clean up my bookmarks on the basis that my bookmark list had become unreasonably large, and I no longer really knew what was on it.

I'm unsure what the logic was when I bookmarked a lot of this stuff. The thought process always seems to be that these are things that I will come back to or reference in the future, yet in practice I never do. If I need to find something I simply 'Google it' again.

Now that I've cleaned things up, I'll almost certainly need it all.

See inside the mind of a 30 year old in a few brief minutes :)

  • A fun Flickr bookmarklet ! To extract the attribution code for Creative Commons photos ! This is actually useful.
javascript:(function(){fu=document.URL.split("/")[5];helperURL='';'?flickd='+fu, 'cc-helper', 'resizable=0,scrollbars=0,width=560,height=360'); setTimeout(function(){fw.focus();},1000);})()
  • Some Github projects that I've either used, said I will use, or intended to read the source code of (but almost certainly never did):

- bootandy/dust - an easy way to see how your disk is being used.

- kencheung4/android-StickerView - a UI library for rotating and scaling. 'stickers'

- kristiyanP/colorpicker - a simple Android color picker library.

  • Of course there were some Stack Exchange links. I'm surprised there weren't more

- Convert latitude/longitude point to a pixels (x,y) on mercator projection

- Restarting sound service (to be fair, I click this bookmark all the time. Stupid mac)

The man page for nmcli

Theres been a lockdown, and life has been tough. Everyone needs a holiday. I'm surprised/sad that more holiday destinations weren't saved in my bookmarks. I almost feel obliged to book this place now. It does look nice !

  • Links to Dragon Ball cards.

My lockdown guilty pleasure has been dragon ball cards. I've basically learned Japanese in an attempt to understand things like the availability of Super Dragon Ball Heroes promotional cards.

There were an abundance (like 30+ bookmarks) for saved searches on Yahoo Japan and Mercari. I think I have a problem !

130point is a site for searching historical eBay sales. Whilst I use it for Dragon Ball cards, its actually a really useful site more generally.

  • Some links to Ethereum related blog posts/articles/information. This one is fairly logical - this stuff is complex. You read too many articles and your brain just explodes. So I save them for later, but then forget to go back.

The Ethereum 2.0 Annotated Spec is a really interesting read if you are tech inclined.

  • There were a few links to books I had obviously planned to read. I went ahead and bought them. They were:

- East of Eden

- Crime and Punishment

- Once a Runner

I now have about 6 books on the go. No new books needed for a while, but perhaps this will motivate me to spend more time reading which I should do anyway.

  • The manual for a Shimano 105 front derailler, and lots of other bike related stuff.

Eurgh. I am having flashbacks to when I bought a road bike, and wanted/needed to understand how everything worked so that I could service it myself. So many days were wasted. I should have just taken it to a mechanic. Delete !

  • An interesting video from Jonah Edwards from the Internet Archive Infrastructure team.

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